1. Is there a cost to join Brown Girl Economics?

Answer: NO, just commit to attending the collective spending events.

2. Is it mandatory to attend all spending events?

Answer: We ask our members to attend all spending events. Your membership is placed in jeopardy when you attend less than 6 events in a calendar year. This will require a $25 fee for re-activation with the group

3. Can family members join?

Answer: Anyone who support Black Businesses can join.

4. Is there a membership fee?

Answer: There is no initial fee. Only after missing 6 events in a calendar year are you charged a re-activation fee. Participation in this concept is paramount for the intended outcome.

5. Why do this?

Answer: This is important to build and sustain black businesses, to develop financial independences, and gain economic empowerment in our community.

6. Do you only support Black Businesses?

Answer: Yes

7. What if I want to participate but I'm on a fixed income?

Answer: BGE spending events range from $5 to $150, participate in those you can afford. We all need to give back to our community in the manner we can afford to.

8. Is Brown Girl Economics for women only?

Answer: NO, it's for everyone. Please make sure you attend age-appropriate events.

Please feel free to contact me!


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Office Hours


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



